I was doing live art at the Cosmic Carnival last weekend.
If you see this painting on the right, it was Zoinked right from my easel whilst doing live art at the festival. I hope that by making this visible, some one will come across it, maybe a friend of a friend will spot it hanging on the wall of whoever absconded with it. I understand the person may have enjoyed the image so much that they took it home with out compensating the creator. I am sure that person will honor my painting with a cozy place to live. I regret not locking it down, and I never was able to take a nice picture to make prints. So now no one but the person whole took it from under my nose will ever be able to enjoy it. I guess it is my fault for having the original painting out for people to see. I am hoping that someone knows the person who has this painting and will encourage them to at the very least make an anonymous donation to my paypal linked below..It takes allot of effort to bring these images to everyone, and I don’t need to explain the selfishness of theft. If the community can just keep an eye out. Thanks. These are the only pics i have of the painting
Please donate anonymously …. $250