Autumn “Winds of the Nahelem” and the fourth blood moon Quatraine.
This is the fourth Super Blood Moon in a strange series of Blood Moons this year.
It marks the completion of many shifts in energy fields which exist all around us
invisible to our normal eyes.
Some may find difficulties in these changing tides of energy. Creative practices such as art, music and mediation are some key tools in order to compensate the symptoms of natural energy cycles. If you find yourself with emotional turbulence, setting your mind to a creative task such as painting can alleviate the psychic struggle and sometimes lead to great works of expression.
Putting the final touches on “Healing Hands” before the show at
THE GARAGE GALLERY 715 Garland ave Los Angeles
This image is on display and speaks about our inherent energy in our hands. Many cultures have called it by different names, but the fact seems to be that your palms emit tiny vortex’s of energy that interact with the energy fields around us. These fields can be manipulated with different allignments, mudras and meditations. “Healing Hands” depicts one of these powerful mudras which can be mimicked and practiced at home.
“Between the Inbetween”
On Display at the Garage Gallery in LA
This is “Dawn of Mind”
This is symbolic of the greatness of creation awakening within our imagination
Thanks to Trek Lewis and the Garage Gallery, my paintings will be hanging through October
My paintings will be there for the next six weeks along side some other stunning works of artistry worth seeing in person. Check back for the second opening at the garagegalery website
a quick view of the gallery~
Also this Saturday the 19 I will be doing LIVE ART at the Orange County Deathfest
Here is some footage from last year along side the art of Tony Koehl
If you were not AWARE I have Tapestries and Ladies LEggings with my art!
I am really excited about my newest designs!
Two Cool styles featuring “Our Lady of Opportunity”~
Also available the most sacred “Geometra” style
Get those -http://www.tomdenney.com/blog/geometra-leggings-2/
Your personal stargate. EXERCISE YOUR IMAGINATION.
To open the Portal Vortex, look through the eye inside your mind. Stargate recognition is done with the eye iside of the mind. Opening the Gate is opening your Imagination.
The Key for the gate to be activated.
Immense Changes in Energy can feel like emotional turbulence if you are open and perceptive. At times like this Autumnal Equinox it is easy to fall into depression or crippling self doubt as these powerful prana shifts flood in like the changing tides. Staying positive, and focused can feel almost impossible.
These are the gatekeepers to the vortex attempting to divert your vortex energy to their own agenda. These pesky entities need only be brushed away and disregarded like trash. It will take some conscious effort to Rid your fields of These parasites. Mediation and visualization usually does the trick. Or visualize a Champion to do the dirty work for you, like a Ram or Bull charging through the fields. The vortex fields of energy which can be seen with the third eye, the imagination.
This is an opportunity to flex your determination and Willpower to be a Creator and trust in the flow of what is created. Over the next several days as we head into the weekend’s powerful Lunar Eclipse at the Supermoon it is integral for super sensitives to hold in mind goals, creative play, healthy lifestyles and creative processes. Though it can feel overwhelming for everyone, as this energy speeds up, even a hundred fold from the last super moon, remember this is the process and symptoms of upgrading. Remain creative, what you do is a direct reflection, building things out side of yourself will show you what is happening. This image “Winds of The Nehalem” is mine.
What does whisper to you in quite times?
Also Have you seen the link between the Mantis Alien People and my Pancakes and
Booze Body Art on the Lovely Lady Zelda? Worth the effort
We are seeing allot of things coming up. These mysterious ant like creatures seem to be showing up everywhere and influencing things with naught but a whisper. Who are they? What are they doing hanging out at the periphery of our reality? What secrets would be uncovered if this concept were really explored in a conscious venue.
The southwest United States is honey combed with underground alien nests, the equinoxes force these creatures to the surfaces where they desire to feed. Many humans are “poached” in rural areas and national parks. This is very frustrating to the government and the real reason why many national parks are closed at this time
Trust your inner vortex. Take care of it daily. Maintain a positive inner light and it will guide you through these changing energies as we travel through this wing of the multiverse as the greatest of spiritual adventurers. What adventure is complete without transformational adversaries and obstacles. Blast through the mountain and we will see the dawn of a new era of energy and psychic creative expansion.
This image which I stand before symbolizes this same principal of energy mastery. Find out more about my available TAPESTRIES
I have been working on allot of music lately, and I think recording sound is one of the most magical practices that can be undertaken. At times like the Fourth Blood Moon Quatraine energy polarities totally shift. Your body senses these sudden shifts and gets thrown off and Confusion and Self Doubt can be symptoms. A sort of emotional motion sickness as the Planet undergoes its journey. If you are finding yourself worried or all of your feelings are way deep inside you like boiling waters and your not sure which way is up anymore than this is a time for treatment with grounding to the planet. Some times our thoughts seemingly betray and the task seems to great a burden. When these feelings arrive, it is a signal that you should most defiantly do the opposite of giving up and instead create. Being Creative in the face of Self Doubt is the number one cure. Forcing yourself into the creativity vortex past the parasitic gatekeepers is the most mystical remedy to relieving depression. It is best over come by just turning on the the recording device and committing the act of contration with your creative self. Forcing the issue of creativity turns into simple creativity, and that soon leans to productive creativity. Leaving no room for thoughts of confusion or over self analisis, thusly grounding that shifting energy. Like Anchoring with the Earth as it shifts. Here is my version of dealing with “Self Doubt”
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/185434975″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /] Give a listen to my recent efforts and download for free https://soundcloud.com/cyphlon
The portal gateway to creativity is opening. Inside every warrior is a sword of light. Which ever color yours burns hold it strong in your vision and in your heart. This is your psychic light saber to cut through the dimensions. It is your birth right yet not by birth alone can you harvest it. You must still earn it through trials of fortitude. If you can pass the guardians to your the portal vortex and you sabre of light, then you will be a portal master. Once a Master, you can achieve all levels of creation and flow through the dimensions almost effortlessly. Mind you the Air will be there to test you along the way.
If you are looking for pre-made designs for your personal project but don’t know exactly what will fit, take a look through my gallery of print ready designs waiting for your logo to fit…
A sketch of the Winds and the Messages which they bring. Are these the hidden faces of the Nehalem? Who is this starchild and what are these diamonds of the mind, pearls of the tounge, and jewels of the eye? Perhaps we should listen closer to the quite places, and hear what whispers arrive.
Your personal stargate. EXERCISE YOUR IMAGINATION. The Portal Vortex of the mind is opening your Imagination. Reach out to the Sun and dig into the Earth. Breath out and In. What is coming down from the sun will then be within. The key to the door of the mind is easy when you keep the inside sunny. Not just Solar energy, Soul energy.
Also Check out the NAGUAL SUN DEMO