I now have available solid grey poster prints with actual Gold ink!
Check out this hand printed, hand numbered poster print of the Sadgiqacea/Hivelords show flyer. Made available now thanks to Earsplitters! The textured gold print makes it worth its weight in antimatter.
It began as most things do, an idea, a ruff sketch. After time, the lines are rendered and it becomes more defined, more tangible.
The Raw Data, the black and white Ink, white like innocence, black like death.
Then the printing
This makes a great wall hanging. Its reflective nature lends itself to limitless meditation and transcendental thought provoking multifractal aspects of consideration. The symbols and movements stimulate glans within the brain for decoding and unlocking ancient forgotten powers from within. The twin serpents will activate your own innate primordial alchemy. Makes a fantastic x-mas present. Delivered to you rolled and shiny.
Dont miss out on this opportunity to own one of only 50 hand printed gold foil posters.