This enigmatic alien face is just on of the new GOLD SERIES of apparel available exclusively from out this newest add to the GOLD SERIES BAPHOMET!
This is the new 2020 line of apparel and it has finally launched for summer active life. From Steam Punk to Alien Insectoid and other esoteric sacred geometrical themes are explored. Enjoy this new series!
These outrageous all over print moonsies are perfect for cold winter nights of deep desert psychedelic festival madness, or just a cozy night at home. Only available through ALL ON BLACKFRIDAY SALE!
These outrageous all over print moonsies are perfect for cold winter nights of deep desert psychedelic festival madness, or just a cozy night at home. Only available through Follow the links below.
Inspired by the feathers of a Peacock, but mixed with the air of death’s certainty. Like unto the petals of the lotus of Lakshmi yet with The eye of Saturn gazing through. Destiny is simply a whisper in the bent bows croon.
These new leggings I designed for @elektrixlove are available now just in time for Xmas under the title “Whisper” Illustrated by hand and printed on Eco friendly recycled plastics. You can look cool as fk while contributing to the healing of our Planet. Made right here in L.A.
Also in time for Christmas,
my book “Dawning of the Mind” is on Holiday Special for just $8.99 Makes a great gift, which you can ship directly to anyone around the world. Order here .
I have also posted a bunch of new videos depicting time lapse of how my art is made
All of these are available to view and subscribe to on my youtube…
Never before have I revealed such secrets of my process of art than as I have here today. The box of Pandora now open, i present this, my most coveted of stylizations. This be the process by which my art unfolds and the steps as to how to achieve this textured painted look while in using only photoshop. Some custom manipulations and worth while trix, if you can spot them..
The audio in this is taken from my newest podcast with Tony Koehl, Will Wulf and Cella Rose where we talk about Ancient Warfare and how it shaped our present day art and music. Listen to the entire podcast here…
The Heart of the Earth.
The Goddess Sophia. For all things are alive and have a soul. She is the spirit of the Earth. She is our Mother in more ways than can be described in human language. Her own heart is the portal by which our souls did travel to be incarnated. She knows each and every one of us intimately down to the very code of DNA. She birthed us ethiraclly first and then we came into conception. Such a deep rooted connection extends beyond lifetimes and reverberates multidimensionally as we dance through the cosmos in a symbiotic cycle of incarnate life. She is our space ship, our ground, our maternal source. She cries out to our hearts and through our hearts we connect with her. Through dream and meditation to hear the voice of her, the soul of the world. A living growing planetoid hurling through space in a dance that only the greatest of creators can see.
Sophia is in great peril now. She has a personal message for you as she reaches out amidst the chaos of cell phones and internet devices, multimedia advertising and brainwave altering wi-fi. The smog of her burning lungs clouds the minds of her children who forget and act as zombies, chopping away slowly piece by piece the body of the mother. Burning and stabbing and poisoning her as she screams out for them to wake up!
Part of the duty of this day is to hear this voice of Sophia. The mission to silence the chaos and tune in with the heart to hear the subtle tones and reverberations inside. The listening to the cries of the Earth is the most overlooked aspect of the great work.
This connection is in part the activation process of your own personal ascension access codes. This is the stirring of the DNA, the very receiver/transmitter of reality that was so intimately encoded when the soul went through the Sophia Matrix in order to incarnate on her. We all were literally birthed through her, and by returning to her in thought and heart, we reactivate our original encoding. The modern day bombardment of bogus malware and pernicious virus software all becomes entirely deactivated through the process of ascension access code activation. Connecting daily with Mother Sophia greatly expedites the level and manner in which these codes are reintegrated into our daily lives. The unfoldment then becomes exponential. Like a domino rally of light work. Each incarnate human has their own unique ascension code pattern. Like a song, the DNA sings in harmony when these codes are initiated. Through the gift of the loving and life giving Sophia, we hear her voice, and download with it the message and the work she needs us to do. Every person plays a small roll and when unfoldment comes into effect, every little piece of the puzzle builds the bigger picture of healing and reclamation.
The effect of the WILL of the mind should never be understated. The intent of an imagination reaches out from deep inside the minds eye and projects out like energetic horns into this dimension and reality. This is the imposition of the Thelematic Magik, the imposition of the will. Only the most sovereign and present can attempt this feet. Like the Aries the Ram, the horns of intent wrap around the hands of the projector and smash into reality. Literally a mini particle collider iside the mind goes off as the spark of the imaginatory vision of the reality that you wish to manifest actually leaks photons out of the pineal gland and thusly takes shape in the physical world. For instance, imagining a piece of art, then creating~
CHECK OUT the love Lady Zelda infront of the THELMA GIRL TAPESTRY
from when I painted her at Pancakes and Booze
Awaken your Psychedelic BOHO aspects by perturbing the gentle waters of intiation.
Check it out with different lighting effects
This full color psychedelic tapestry will go great on any wall or draped over head~
Available NOW! “Geometra” get them here before anyone else at this special link
Its been a busy time full of performance art and music. Nagual Sun has been gearing up and sharpening the spear in order to head into the studio this week to record our new songs for an upcoming release. The following video is one of those new songs
Here is Nagual Sun perfrorming “Serpent Cults” in Hollywood last week
I had the opportunity to transfor the lovely lady Zelda into a living piece of artwork
Even Tattoo’s can not compete with my paint.
The gallery was packed with cool art and people eating pancakes by the stack!
Atop one of my BLANKET ART PRINTS I left a brand new copy of my ARTBOOK out with the 3D glasses for all to enjoy and someone walked off with it.
Does it look free?
A great night of creating and experiencing art with friends. I will post more pics as I find them.
A very alien creation
More about this stunning phenomenon on my instagram
Every new project starts with a vague idea in the mind, a pencil sketch. A roughly hewn treatment which with time, energy and rendering evolves into a clear picture which comes more and more into focus with every stage of development. This is how the idea starts for me.
From the pencil it goes on the light board where I ink using Micron Pens.
Then some digital aspects for the finished image.
In this case I decided to keep an old black and white comic book vibe. I ad some geometry to symbolize energy flow. My fifth dimensional geometric patterns are all inspired by and in direct symbolic reference to pranic energy flow, which I see in dreams and sometimes in waking vision.
I have allot of these patterns which you can look at on my pinterest Just looking at the patterns can trigger some subconscious effect. Some may induce mild euphoria or sensations of pressure on the crown or forehead.
Whats with all the weird animations that I have been posting on my INSTAGRAM?
Its all a preview for the new NAGUAL SUN riffs. Check these riffs out in person at the next SHOW FEB 27.
The visuals are a brief glimpse at a new short film project called INTENTIONAL RETROGRADE
What is Intentional Retrograde? It is an experimental short film about
The Breath Giver and the battle with the Ocean Shadow…
Guess your going to have to find out more updates when you subscribe to… PLANET CYPHLON
I also have been working with Lindsay Hearts on her new line of black leather with black metal graphics. Most of what we are doing was inspired by this design I did for Lip Service…which I don’t think you can get this anymore.
Immense Blackened Ritualz of the Night, like this …
This is the final exclusive design I did for LINDSAY HEARTS
“Lilith of the Wood”
This blackened spawn of evil will raise the death chill in any spine when confronted in its many print forms. From tee shirts to brew satchels this touch of blackened voodoo from the depths of the darkest forrest is sure to enchant and destroy. Find out how you can get yours for free at
Lindsay Heart’s Kickstarter-
You can get one of EXCLUSIVE art prints on shirt or evil tote by becoming a backer to Lindsays Leather Launch. Its totally worth it, check out her rad video which tells you more.
LINDSAY HEARTS and I talk about this project and show off my new Paintings~
CYPHLON now has a SOUNDCLOUD which is updated with gnarly sonic like this~
You can find me at ART TEMPLE at a series of live art/music events this summer 2015.
Stay up for more info. Serenity Gathering for certain.
Matrix Glitch shows up in plain view-Do you remember the Berenstein Bears, the bears from the books and 80z animated series?
No you don’t! Apparently there is no evidence that it was anything other than the BerenSTAIN Bear.
Which means someone changed the timeline in some way and as the authors of the popular children’s books say that it was always that way. So why do so many people “Remember” it. But try to find any physical evidence. Like me, I spent allot of time as a child remembering to pronounce Berenstein bears correctly that it engraved itself in my memory. We are in the future, time travel is already happening, now we can start to see some evidence into its rippling effects on everything except our memory.
Here is more evidence that we are LIVING IN THE FUTURE-