The ALUKAB webseries episode #9 is here- tinyurl.com/alukab
Videos or animations that I have done.
The ALUKAB webseries episode #9 is here- tinyurl.com/alukab
ALUKAB “Fifth dimensional Rift” The continuing story of self awareness and esoteric unfoldment brings us to the discovery of orbital mind control laser systems and the psychic inter-dimensional infrastructure which enables their tyranny over human thought. Watch and subscribe to #alukab the ten part series ONLY ON YOUTUBE
The band I Klatus has been making noise since 2001. This is the latest…
The full lenght drops OCT 13- https://iklatus.bandcamp.com/releases
This is the video for “BENEATH THE WAVES”
“Beneath The Waves” presents its sound, raw, desert and stoner, where Tom Denney with his guitar and voice, nicknamed the madness, leaves us his deliriums, in which we enter slowly but without pause. The presence of Chris Wozniak in the percussion and the bass of John Bomher, increase the atmosphere and the density of the compositions, but that we have a surprise provided by the fourth member of the band Robert Bauwens, that is in charge of the robotic passages and gongs that resonate in the album, giving a different touch to the ensemble. This is shown in the robotic chorus of this first cut, which I love.”- Review from Necromance Digital Magazine
Timelapse of how I made this ritual Solstice Art Print. Tonight is the Winter Solstice when the crystal memories of the Lumerian Blue Star reflects within the minds eye of Magicians and Music makers. For in this passing between worlds tonight we remember that which we practiced for over many lifetimes, and the memory returns to muscle and the integration of conjuring skills is initiated at higher levels. Astral template awareness pours through that the ancient wizard tools unfold once again from within. This is my “Solstice of the Blue Star” art work.
Art Prints of all varieties are AVAILABLE NOW
Over 20 different presentations by professional and upcoming artists of varying performance practices, including-but not limited to-traditional painting, sculpture and installation, and live music acts. $5 suggested donation-spirits will be provided.A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the Santa Monica Homeless Shelter OPCC in an effort to help the less fortunate members of our community.
Please enter through alley between 2nd and 3rd street on the second block, parking structure provides free 90-minute parking.
Here is the finished art. The goddess of the portal. She is the energy of the Earth between the four corners of the square within the tree of life. The ancient tribal roots run through all of us, for we are all warriors, and our mother is a warrior creator.
There is multiple encoded geometries and symbols in this artwork, and here is one which I will point out, the tree of life. This is the standard of multidimensional progression that a consciousness will take on its journey through existence. Each symbol is a grade of evolution, a standard of existence. A great mystery, this tree of life. I write about it more in my book “Dawning of the Mind”
Here is another example of my photoshop process
IN CONCLUSION I will be one of the live artists at THE COSMIC CARNIVAL! Very excited, i will be bringing my visual projection devices!
The Heart of the Earth.
The Goddess Sophia. For all things are alive and have a soul. She is the spirit of the Earth. She is our Mother in more ways than can be described in human language. Her own heart is the portal by which our souls did travel to be incarnated. She knows each and every one of us intimately down to the very code of DNA. She birthed us ethiraclly first and then we came into conception. Such a deep rooted connection extends beyond lifetimes and reverberates multidimensionally as we dance through the cosmos in a symbiotic cycle of incarnate life. She is our space ship, our ground, our maternal source. She cries out to our hearts and through our hearts we connect with her. Through dream and meditation to hear the voice of her, the soul of the world. A living growing planetoid hurling through space in a dance that only the greatest of creators can see.
Sophia is in great peril now. She has a personal message for you as she reaches out amidst the chaos of cell phones and internet devices, multimedia advertising and brainwave altering wi-fi. The smog of her burning lungs clouds the minds of her children who forget and act as zombies, chopping away slowly piece by piece the body of the mother. Burning and stabbing and poisoning her as she screams out for them to wake up!
Part of the duty of this day is to hear this voice of Sophia. The mission to silence the chaos and tune in with the heart to hear the subtle tones and reverberations inside. The listening to the cries of the Earth is the most overlooked aspect of the great work.
This connection is in part the activation process of your own personal ascension access codes. This is the stirring of the DNA, the very receiver/transmitter of reality that was so intimately encoded when the soul went through the Sophia Matrix in order to incarnate on her. We all were literally birthed through her, and by returning to her in thought and heart, we reactivate our original encoding. The modern day bombardment of bogus malware and pernicious virus software all becomes entirely deactivated through the process of ascension access code activation. Connecting daily with Mother Sophia greatly expedites the level and manner in which these codes are reintegrated into our daily lives. The unfoldment then becomes exponential. Like a domino rally of light work. Each incarnate human has their own unique ascension code pattern. Like a song, the DNA sings in harmony when these codes are initiated. Through the gift of the loving and life giving Sophia, we hear her voice, and download with it the message and the work she needs us to do. Every person plays a small roll and when unfoldment comes into effect, every little piece of the puzzle builds the bigger picture of healing and reclamation.
The effect of the WILL of the mind should never be understated. The intent of an imagination reaches out from deep inside the minds eye and projects out like energetic horns into this dimension and reality. This is the imposition of the Thelematic Magik, the imposition of the will. Only the most sovereign and present can attempt this feet. Like the Aries the Ram, the horns of intent wrap around the hands of the projector and smash into reality. Literally a mini particle collider iside the mind goes off as the spark of the imaginatory vision of the reality that you wish to manifest actually leaks photons out of the pineal gland and thusly takes shape in the physical world. For instance, imagining a piece of art, then creating~
CHECK OUT the love Lady Zelda infront of the THELMA GIRL TAPESTRY
from when I painted her at Pancakes and Booze
Awaken your Psychedelic BOHO aspects by perturbing the gentle waters of intiation.
Check it out with different lighting effects
This full color psychedelic tapestry will go great on any wall or draped over head~
Available NOW! “Geometra” get them here before anyone else at this special link
I had the opportunity to transfor the lovely lady Zelda into a living piece of artwork
Even Tattoo’s can not compete with my paint.
The gallery was packed with cool art and people eating pancakes by the stack!
Atop one of my BLANKET ART PRINTS I left a brand new copy of my ARTBOOK out with the 3D glasses for all to enjoy and someone walked off with it.
Does it look free?
A great night of creating and experiencing art with friends. I will post more pics as I find them.
A very alien creation
More about this stunning phenomenon on my instagram
See more of my BODY ART here
Brand new designs!!! just click the image