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Its the first thing for sale in the new decade!
This design of shirt has not been released before. I am also including a heavy DVD with a grip of rad videos and animations including interviews and bonus short film .
Check out more about theDOOMED MESSIAH DVD
So you get a silver ink SHIRT FREE I KLATUS CD
Also the DVD. Stickers, Postcards and 1 inch buttons!
just $25!!!


BANDS! Check out my new ART FOR SALE folder of images!

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Yes, I know I haven’t posted new art in a while…but there is a good reason, which I will not tell you.

Also, the doctor bills from my poison ivy experience have come in, and it ain’t pretty. Read my POISON EYEVY blog for details. It would be quite awesome of you, the viewer of this art, if you enjoy, to help support me in this time…best way is by purchasing some of my AWESOME limited edition swag!

I am a big fan of Max Igan and part of his contribution to this planet as of late is his American Voice Radio. He uses allot of great Images and in his newest broadcast he used one of my pieces of art to exemplify his message. Maxwell is sort of a spiritual warrior artist, film maker, researcher and novelist, and it fills me with a certain confidence and corroboration that he was drawn to my art out of the blue, and used it as part of a collage with a positive and spiritual message.
This is the full image

I don’t know if I will ever know what his interpretation would be,but it certainly has the four season, primal mother self abatement motif inspired by our worldly situation.
I highly recommend giving a listen to the video below and going to the there is ALLOT of fantastic mind blowing info from an artists perspective. I recommend his FREE book about the mysteries of the world entitled EARTHS FORBIDDEN SECRETS
Very compelling and WAY BETTER THAN JERSEY SHORE!!!

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NEW SONIC-free 30 minute mp3 from CYPHLON

Very Interesting, my latest podcast “Ponder on this-Episode 5” I talk with Justin Wilkinson, editor, narrator, documentary film maker with a very unique perspective about the human status and THE ORIGIN OF EVIL. We talk about Atlantis, Lumeria, and the spawning of the demonic forces brought about by an early, unknowing humanity and the LORDS OF MATERIALITY. These ancient demonic forces were invited and became interwoven with the human evolution which is why we have had such a brutal and savage evolution.Highly esoteric teachings of Storys of LUCIFER, FRANKENSTIEN, THE HATHORS, ETHERIC SORCERORS and more.
James Dozer and Tom Denney (CYPHLON) created a soundtrack of strange noises inspired by and made to accompany the discussion. You can hear it playing in the background. You can download this interesting improv sonic performance without narration by going to

Take a some time to check it out!

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Here is something for FREE
the latest compilation is online. There are tons of bands with fully heavy riffs. It is a tribute to our fallen friend Tariq Ali. He played bass with me and I Klatus before he sadly passed away.
Stoner Rock has made it possible for you to check out one of the last songs he ever helped write and record. You can download the newest I KLATUS song “Antediluvian Knowledge” for free CLICK HERE!
The art is Really cool as well!

Well worth Checking out
If you like that song, I am currently offering the CD for free when you check out the
Its the first thing for sale in the new decade!
This design of shirt has not been released before. I am also including a heavy DVD with a grip of rad videos and animations including interviews and bonus short film .
Check out more about theDOOMED MESSIAH DVD
So you get a silver ink SHIRT FREE I KLATUS CD
Also the DVD. Stickers, Postcards and 1 inch buttons!
just $25!!!


hope you take a minute to help support that, every order enables me to make more art for you to trip on.

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Collaboration with John Santos Jr

A long time ago, fellow illustrator John Santos Jr. and I decided to do a collaboration of art together. I did my half, and after much time, Santos finished his.

Here is the resulting work;

Poster prints will be made available in march by BLACKBIRD clothing!
The image is interesting because we see the feminine anima figure, or projection of the feminine being attacked by carion and shadow structures. Just recently I did a podcast with LA artist Joe Torres where we talk about these shadows that persist in daily life and influence us subconsciously. The Gnostics would call these archons.

Listen to our one hour discussion:

I am very excited to be offering my first promo package of the new decade!

NEW 2010 PACK!!!

JUST $25!!!


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The Four Horsemen

The Four horsemen of the apocalypse are some of the most iconic figures from the mysterious book of Revelations. Interpreted differently through out the centuries, I was given the chance to render my own.
This is from my modern perspective.

John, apostle of Jesus had a vivid trans-dimensional encounter which downloaded him with horrible images of our world at its’ end. Each rider is symbolic of a particular scourge of humanity. With the Orwellian big brother scenario at our doorstep and the rapidly increasing earth changes feverishly in effect it is easy to recognize the signs. We are living in amazing times, very exciting to be living through this very real Armageddon .It promises to touch every one of us in some personal way, yet to be revealed.

PESTILENCE-The modern locust, the breaking down of our immune system with GM food engineering, daily chemical dousing from chemtrails to fluoride and flu vaccines. The barrage of bio warfare can’t be denied. We are at the mercy of big brothers political agenda.

CONQUEST-What greater than the sublimation of our personal divinity to that of a hijacked religious institution which teaches that we are all born with sin, and inherently evil. Thusly severing any sense of a connection with the divine. We need a new church, one that combines the left and right of Quantum Science and the earth-tune shamanism of old. What great truths about ourselves would be relearned?

WAR-an ancient principle that pits brother against brother while the hidden agenda makes the top players rich. Where would things go if this was crossed off the list of options for problem solving?
Or at the very least, if everyone refused to kill in the name of someone else or under order of a rulling figure.

DEATH-Saturated with fear, actually a transition state, no different than the dream world. If we would stop being afraid, it would loose all hold, and we could see through it.

Here is how the geometry fits

See where the pentagon lays

I am no cartographer, but this should illustrate my intent. “The lands west of the Euphraties”.

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I KLATUS-Surveillance and Worship CD

FINALLY!!! The long awaited awakening of


The CD “Surveillance and Worship” full length studio album is now available for order.

Recorded by Jackson Grimm, and Mastered by James Plotkin (Khanate)

ONLY $8.88

BIO-I Klatus is the long standing noise group bent on sonic revolution. In 2007, mastering was completed on the much unanticipated concept record being named “Surveillance and Worship”. This CD is finally available for the first time.

These songs were performed live by those involved in its inception. The necrolent sonic blashpemies of cosmic potent were entered into our subjective realities-PROOF

This process is to be repeated December and January of 2008 and 2009, see the I Klatus Myspace for pictures

includes members of Yakuza, Lair of the Minotaur and Infinite Monolith of Slavery


downoad the mp3 here


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ST. VITUS video

I was hired by DOOM METAL LEGENDS St. Vitus
To create a video to project behind them as they play LIVE at HELLFEST 2009
The long awaited reunion has had me working extended hours on a 60 minute video.
Here is a quick preview of some of what I did

Also, here is some art I did for the fest.

This is some video I found on youtube, you can see my animation playing in the background
(notice the crop circles and SETI transmitters)
If anyone has any other pics or vids, you should email me

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PODCAST#3 ShadowPeople and Psychic defense

I started doing an esoteric podcast to quench that side of me that wishes to talk about strange unorthadox material. Episode #3 We talk about psychic parasites. Listen to the one hour conversation

Teaching psychic defense from parasitic pandimensional entities which feed off of negative human emotions. I talk with LA artist Joe Torres (Lefty Joe) about how to recognize these creatures in your own life, and how to deal with them. Exploring the possibilites of the unseen. The evil non human creatures that control Universal studios, the shadow network and the hat man. There are parasites on every level from the microcosm to the macrocosm with virus cells to ticks and mosquitos, why would we believe it stops there. The macrocosm is likely filled with these entities, as we observe in our conversation. The best and most effective deffense is staying within a positive and aware vibration. One can focus on the bubble of protective light that surrounds them, and emits from our solar plexus and heart chakras, the central sun of the human soul. When it emits negative energy, or negative emotions, we put a crack in this protective shell and energy escapes. Could there be creatures out side of our vision that feed off of this energy, and possibly implant thoughts in our heads to get us to feel these negative emotions. Recognizing alien thoughts is the key. Check out both of our art, as it reflects our own battles with these creatures all around us. An excellent hour long conversation intended to help people dealing with these issues and raise awareness that these beings exist and can be dealt with. They are likely from a different dimension, and very confused that they are here. They have put on many scary disguises to protect themselves. We need to see through this and approach the subject with respect and confidence. Every thing in existence was created for a reason by source, respect that, and be reminded that every dark shadow was once a reflection of light that somehow lost its way. Be assertive that you do not have time for games, that you love them and they should return to the source from which they originated. Helping them remember that they do not belong in this world interacting with humans will also help. Never give into fear and depression. keep the energy white and flowing.This is your psychic defense.